Saturday, July 23, 2005

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling

SPOILER SAFE -- Loved it. However, this was probably my least favorite book, and that's because the ship was out of control. I get that they are teenagers, but does it really have to play that big a role in the story? (IMO, the answer is no.) It was like mediocre fanfic. I kept expecting JK Rowling to throw in some slash, like many a fanfic-er. Ugh. She also went with the most blindingly obvious matches. I have to say, though, the HP fandom wank has been amusing.

But aside from that, the rest of the story was great. However, with what has been set up, book 7 has to be excellent, or this book will drop down into the category of blech. Just looking at this book, without taking into account what it seems to be building up to, it was a good story. There was a lot more explication than in the other books. Aside from the out-of-control ship, not much happens until the last 200 pages; that's it's greatest weakness (the ship, I mean - the explication was actually interesting). There wasn't much character growth in this novel, though.

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