Thursday, June 21, 2007

Revenge of the Middle-Aged Woman by Elizabeth Buchan

Mundane. Boring. It's a tale of a middle-age woman with two grown children. Her husband informs her that he's fallen in love with someone else and is leaving her. Two days later she is fired from her job, an event related to her husband leaving her, as they worked at the same company, and the woman he fell in love with was her assistant. (The book is set in London. If it were somewhere in the U.S., the firing would have been immediately followed by a lawsuit.) And then a couple days later her cat dies. She accepts it all and moves on. That's it. That's the entire story. I don't know where revenge comes into it.

I would give it a medium rating because I really like the author's use of language. It is very appealing. She is also good with characterization. If she can take her talent with language and characterization and find a good story somewhere in her mind, she could be very, very good. This tale, however, was dreadfully dull.

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